
What is Confirmation? CTS
Confirmation is the Sacrament that perfects the grace of Baptism. It gives the Holy Spirit so as to root us more deeply in our relationship with God as His sons and daughters, to incorporate us more solidly in Christ, to strengthen our link with the Church by associating us more closely in her mission, and to help us to witness to the Christian faith in word and deed the Sacrament of Confirmation confirms the individual a complete member of the Catholic Church. For those who were baptised as infants, it is an opportunity for them to renew the vows that their parents and Godparents made on their behalf as the Baptismal vows are repeated by them again as part of the Confirmation ceremony. The Sacrament of Confirmation makes a Catholic a witness of Jesus in the world with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Adults are usually Confirmed immediately after Baptism to share then in Communion in the Body of Christ in the assembly of the Church. This triple sacrament of Initiation is usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil.

Young People who have been baptised as infants in the faith of their parents are usually Confirmed by the Bishop from Secondary School age.. We encourage the young person to make the decision to recover the sacrament themselves. I you feel you are ready and wanting to be confirmed in your faith you will be expected to complete a Confirmation programme.    So next time the Parish invites the Bishop to celebrate the Sacrament we shall place a note in the newsletter to let you know   the programme usually starts after Easter.

If you would like to find out more about being Confirmed at St George’s then please contact us via our contact page.